Is it better to do it first thing in the morning, sneak out in the afternoon or do you do it at night.
The great debate.
Whether temperature makes a difference. Whether you get more if you do it in the cool of the morning, the heat of the afternoon or in the sultry evening.
Consumer Reports recently looked at the importance of the purchase of gasoline and mileage.

The thought was that since liquids expand as they get warmer, could filling up in the heat of the day or in the evening before the cool of the night set in, possibly result in lower mileage.
Although the cost of gasoline has eased somewhat from earlier highs, the driving public has become more concerned and proactive to find ways to conserve and stretch their gasoline dollar. If temperature has an impact on the quantity of gasoline pumped into the consumers tank, it could mean a significant change in the time of day when filling stations would see peak business.
Was there a difference?
Craig Eerkes of the Petroleum Marketers Association of America noted that since tanks are stored in the ground there would be little change in the temperature of gasoline when pumped into a automobiles fuel tank. Even the advocacy group, Consumer Watchdog agreed.
Consumer reports did their own test and found some difference. But only in the first few gallons pumped that had been allowed to rest in the pumps above ground reservoir. But once the gas that was in the underground tanks began to be dispensed, the temperature dropped to the underground tank temperature for the rest of the delivery.
Consumer Reports conclusion?
Even with the first few gallons being warmer than the last several being pumped, the difference in volume delivered amounted to such a small amount that it shouldn't be a reason for drivers to alter their gas purchasing habits.
It seems any time is the right time.
For a complete look at the Consumer Reports article, you can click HERE to go THERE.
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