What should Dave do, if he knew. Or maybe he does.
I was doing a web search on financial talk host Dave Ramsey tonight and found a special offer from Joseph Farah's World Net Daily web site.
Let me first state, I'm not a huge fan of Farah.
We've got that out of the way.
But the offer said I could save $20.00 on Dave Ramsey's plan for Financial Fitness. $20.00 bucks off Dave's book. Sounded like a pretty good deal. Even better than the deal I got in an email from Dave the other day where I would get $14.95 off the same book from Dave's web book site.
Hey, maybe Farah bought em by the truckload. Volume discount. Critical mass pays off. A deal is a deal, eh?
Now I already have in my possession 4 or 5 copies of the book. I've picked up a few here and there and as payment for volunteering at various Dave Ramsey events through the years. As I meet someone who I believe will put a book to good use, I give them away.
So a few additional at $4.95 ea might be a good deal and I can restock the shelves. Dave's not coming my way for a live event this season, so I need the get the best deal I can get.
So I click the link.
It took me to a web page extolling the virtues of Dave and his book. A proven plan for financial fitness. People need one in this time of "skyrocketing levels of personal debt, foreclosures and bankruptcies." A book "filled with hope and how to."
I've already been sold on Dave's plan. I live it every day. I teach it. I talk about it. But the article on how to obtain the book is very convincing.
But the key to getting the book follows: For this very special $4.95 offer, you will receive "Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness" as well as three free issues of Whistleblower magazine. Also included with your free issues will be a renewal notice for a one-year Whistleblower subscription. If you wish to renew, do nothing, and your credit card which has been pre-authorized for $49.95 will be debited for the annual renewal rate of $49.95 .
Did I see the word "credit card" and "The Total Money Makeover" in the same sentence? The same Dave Ramsey who makes a living, according to his oldest daughter as she recounted in an elementary school exercise that her daddy makes a living, cutting up credit cards!
With shears about a foot long. While flipping them like the Riffleman used to flip a riffle!
I have no idea whether Dave Ramsey and Joe Farah share a close friendship, business or otherwise. I do know Dave's column appears on Farah's World Net Daily site. Some how, some way there is a connection. But whether deep or shallow, I cannot tell.
So does Dave know? And if he doesn't, what would he do if he knew?
To see the web page in question click here to go there
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